Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I got a B on a Physics test!!!! This is not normal!!!!!! lol

just thought I would let you know...;)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Days!

So I have decided that teens need...MORE HAPPY DAYS!

yeah, that's right. I know you all think it's a good idea. I mean come on it's a freaking amazing idea. ;)

What we all need is more happiness! Don't let stupid people get you down, it's not worth it. Especially if it's something really stupid. Life's too short to be sad. (I know, that phrase is overused, but I like it. :))

Hey and maybe the stupid people could get happier too! We'll just be like one big happy bunch of friends! Seriously guys, we should do it. :D

All in favor of the happy plan? I!

Anyway, moving on now that everyone is happy, I would like to explain how excited I am for Christmas break! (oh did I just say Christmas? I mean Holiday..tee hee hee) I just love the feeling of being with your family on Christmas. It's almost as good as cookies. :D Almost. haha. I just hope I don't have a lot of homework....that would not be too good. But look on the bright side! Everyone eventually finishes homework! It just takes that amount of effort...if any at all. haha

So, I really really love Ms. Parrish's class. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again. We have just started writing in journals we are now keeping for the rest of the year. We have to write observations and how it makes us feel. It's actually really entertaining. I love it! :D Yay for happy classes!

Well, it's been nice chatting with you all...or should I say writing this wonderful blog that a grand total of 2 people will Have a wonderful day! And remember...BE HAPPY!

P.S. If I scared you at all about how excited I am about this happy plan...get over it. You know you love to be happy too. :D

Friday, December 08, 2006

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry for being such a pansy......I hate bad days. They suck. The end.

P.S. Boys will never understand how girls feel.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Has it really been that long?

Holy cow! I have not posted a like...FOREVER!
So I thought today would be a great day to do that.

First off, I would like to say my Thanksgiving was fantastic. Hope everyone elses was too. :D The end.

Well, what should I write about? I have not really been to a movie in like forever....kinda sad. It's because I go to school, do layout for Journalism, go to work, get home and go to sleep. That has been my days for the past week. Hopefully next week will be much better. Say bye to social life. :(

I should be at work right now...but I called in sick. I am getting a cold and the fact of being on my feet for eight hours didn't sound very fun. You all may think I'm pathetic, but oh well. I didn't want to go. The end.

Instead, I did my homework for Math and English. The math homework was not very usual..but I LOVED the English. We are writing a Synthesis Essay on Puritanism for AP English, and I enjoyed it very much so. I love writing stuff. I guess I'm just weird like that. But I love Parrish's class. It's just so FUN! :D It makes me smile. That class really brightens up my day if I'm having a bad one.

So on Monday I have two tests that I really don't want to take because they both deal with numbers and equations: Physics and Pre calculus. blah. not fun. That is something I will be doing tomorrow so it will be fresh on my mind...studying for these two dreadful tests.

Journalism layout is almost done!!!! woo hoo!!! I just have some minor adjustments to finish up, but after that it's most likely done! We're publishing on December 7th!

Well, I hope you liked my updated life for ya. It needed some massive updating. Have a good day everyone! and remember to smile! :D