Friday, August 03, 2007


wow. where have I been? Well, first of all I think it's because I forgot my password to get on my blogger account. haha silly me. BUT I made a new one that I won't forget so there! haha

So, what's been happening in my life? Lots of things actually. I have been having a wonderful summer with tons of memories that will last a lifetime. :D I like going to the park. It's really relaxing and fun. I go with Jared most the time because I like spending time with him. We talk about anything and everything. It's a great thing!

My new favorite ride is Wicked. I love it! I would definitely go to Lagoon just to ride that over and over again. :D

I have been reading a lot this summer. Some of the books I have read include: Scrambled Eggs at midnight, the truth about forever, Harry Potter 7, turnabout, and many others that I can't remember at the moment. It has been fun to just enjoy a good book and not have to worry about other school work.

I am excited for school to start. I already have a lot planned for Journalism, and I am sure my other classes will be work and fun filled as well. I can't wait to see everyone cuz it seems like it has been forever since there has been a big get together with all my friends! That's why there's school! Yay! Go team!

Work is death. That is all. My manager strongly dislikes me I think. oh well. Maybe I am overexaggerating....

Raging Waters is definitely a fun place to go. I am hopefully going next week again! YAY! I want to ride all the slides.

Classic Skating is also fun. Bouncing rides are a definite fav.

I love music. My favorite song at the moment is called "Her eyes" by Pat Monahan....

"Her eyes, that's where hope lies, that's where blue skies meet the sunrise. Her eyes that's where I go, when I go home."

*sigh* so cute....

Well, I am going to go play 31 now. Have a wonderful day! I shall be posting more frequently I hope.