Monday, January 22, 2007

Goals....and updatedness

Wow! It has yet again been a long time since I have written on this blog of mine. I shall update you with all the fabulous (and probably boring) news of Miss Samantha Perez. Ready....Set....GO!

New Term. New Semester. New goals.

I like this plan......I have some freakin sweet goals that I would like to accomplish....soon...ish...
But for reals, I made a list of top 10 goals I would like to achieve. (but keep in mind these goals may take a while to accomplish) They go in a little order like this....

1. Learn how to do Photoshop
2. Read at least twice a week
3. Pass all my tests- which includes a semi-high score on the ACT and AP English exams.
4. Maintain a 3.9 or 4.0 cumulative GPA
5. Go to U of U or Utah State
6. Decide on a career
7. Graduate with honors/areas of distinction
8. Be nicer to my family
9. Love life everyday, even on bad days.
10. Don't let texting take over my life!

But yeah...there you have them. Now you know what my goals are for myself in coming years. I hope to accomplish most of them :D

Anyway, moving on because that probably bored you to I got a dress for Sweethearts! oh yes......I know. I am very excited. :D Considering I am going with a person that I really really really really want to go with. oh I also got shoes for the dress. Wish me luck with walking in heels.....*trip*
P.S. Sweethearts is very soon...

Well, what else should I talk about? I got a 3.9 this term....ugh....not very happy. I would have gotten a 4.0, but it's because of Physics. Samantha really wanted all A's.....oh well. I shall move on and forget about it.

All is said for tonight, but trust me, I shall be posting more posts in days to come. In the words of Arnold, "I'll be back."

1 comment:

Kortney said...

I'm excited for Sweetheart's too! Party! YAY! I love you sam!