Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I got a B on a Physics test!!!! This is not normal!!!!!! lol

just thought I would let you know...;)


fabiano said...

R U KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?! boo hoo, a B! U want to know what I get on tests? On my last test I got 23/71 (yeah I know. YIKES). How come girls are so smart and us guys are slow and brainless?

Samantha said...

but jared..I have never gotten a B on a physics test!!! I usually literally fail them!!! lol so this is a good thing!!! but I am sorry bout your tests...I don't like tests..they suck. :P And guys can be smart...sometimes. lol

fabiano said...

LOL! oh. cool =D congrats *pat your shoulder* how does it feel *holding mike to your mouth*?