Sunday, November 12, 2006

Finally writing again!

Hello everyone!
Thought i would write a post today since I haven't written for so long...haha.

Let's start with the Current Events.....THE UTES WON COLORADO! ok..glad we got that over with..hehe. I still have faith that my utes will beat BYU..but we'll see how it turns out. I even made a bet with Kortney's dad! Boo ya!

So.....working eights hours a day really puts a damper on you. My legs still hurt. Wow. Or maybe it's still from handstanding. Who really knows right?

Moving on.....

Go see The Prestige if you haven't already. It's a really really really good movie that keeps you thinking. I love those movies. I would love to see it again so if anyone goes let me know! It's amazing. If you have already seen it...I'm sure you would like to see it again. Hopefully.

Moral of the story....I did better on my math test than I expected! Brownie points!

I have also come to the conclusion that Parrish is a funny person. She makes me laugh. :D

Well, that is all for tonight folks. Have a great week and remember to always smile! You never know whose day you'll brighten up! ;)


Kortney said...

I have faith in my Cougars! haha, I just had to bring that up. Working is hard, but just think of the money. Keep your eyes on the prize. That's what I like to do at least ;)

M-smash said...

Good. I'm not the only one who hurt their leg muscular/hamstring/rump doing a handstand.

Or maybe I am.

Shh. don't tell anyone.